Monday, March 15, 2021

Crystals to Make Your Home a Better Place


Healing stones and crystals have been a great source of energy to bring change in lifestyle and everyday well being for centuries. They are known to help improve heath, monetary situations as well as self issues. There has been an increasing demand for them around the world and the countries that import have seen a rise in demand. Let’s get familiar with a few must have crystals at one’s place to feel its benefits.

Rose Quartz

The rose quartz stone is synonymous with romance and love. It helps in the manifestation of unconditional love with self and between partners. To attract the positivity, it is ideal to keep them in the south-west direction. It is also a great crystal to be placed in bedrooms to get rid of negative dreams.

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This crystal is synonymous with relieving stress and issues of anxiety. For the best results, it is advised to be kept under the pillow or at least in the bedroom. It helps enhance intuition and works great when kept in combination with rose quartz.

Black Tourmaline

This one’s great to keep negativity away. If you have children, you must consider this one in their bedrooms!


A crystal that can be used to charge other crystals, if you are someone starting off in the crystal benefits journey, you definitely want to get one of these for your home. It also promotes a relaxing and calm surrounding.

Green Aventurine

It is commonly known as the stone of opportunity and rightly so. It is also great for health benefits like heart or immunity issues. One should place it on their desks or have it at their work place to manifest and get the best of results.

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