Monday, May 27, 2019

The Gifting Culture In India

home decor gifts in India

Indians honestly don’t really need an excuse to gift someone something. Even though this “gifting trend” is more a show of wealth & less a show of respect, it’s a positive trend that’s alive and well in India. So why do Indians gift so much and to who?

Well, the answer is a bit complex, but I’ll try my best to explain. Here in India, a student doing well (whether in your family or another’s) is considered enough reason to gift. It’s considered to be a positive action that instills good karma onto your family. Similarly, when relatives or friends are moving into a new home… people pounce on the opportunity to buy them house warming gifts ( This again, is done in the hope of good karma.

That being said, perhaps the most common gifts given in India are those for house warming ceremonies for newly weds & new home buyers alike. It’s no coincidence home décor gifts in India are so easily available. Brands literally have sections on their web pages for house warmings gifts. That shows the extent of the gifting culture here in India.

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