Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Best Deals for Buddha Fountain Statues Online

Buddha Fountain Statues

Buddha is the purest form of enlightenment one can achieve in his lifetime. You can make your surroundings much more captivating by keeping a buddha statue at home. Some of you may find it boring to just keep a status at home. However, if you want to keep it fancy, you can get many interesting buddha fountain statues online to get away with the conventional way of keeping statues at home.

Keeping a fountain at home is also considered auspicious as the flow of water indicates the positive flow in the house and amongst the family members as well. It is always advised to keep changing the water on a regular basis as keeping the old and dirty water is not good for the complete vibe in the house.

Monday, June 10, 2019

What Is The Evil Eye?

evil eye bracelets

Most people don’t quite understand what this whole evil eye thing is about. Everyone associates the word evil eye with the blue and white evil eyes you see being sold in local markets. While those items are referred to as evil eye bracelets and pendants, they aren’t the origin of the term.

Evil eye quite literally refers to a dirty look you might receive from someone who’s a bit envious of what you have. We’ve all been given the evil eye at some point in our lives. Some may have noticed negativity plaguing them post encounters like this, others on the other hand, may have never given it a second thought.

Regardless, it’s said that these dirty looks have the ability to channel negative energy to you in an attempt to disrupt your daily routines and general happiness. Which is kind of why they say wearing evil eye bracelets and pendants can help prevent any such negativity plaguing you. Whether you choose to believe them is up to you.

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Gifting Culture In India

home decor gifts in India

Indians honestly don’t really need an excuse to gift someone something. Even though this “gifting trend” is more a show of wealth & less a show of respect, it’s a positive trend that’s alive and well in India. So why do Indians gift so much and to who?

Well, the answer is a bit complex, but I’ll try my best to explain. Here in India, a student doing well (whether in your family or another’s) is considered enough reason to gift. It’s considered to be a positive action that instills good karma onto your family. Similarly, when relatives or friends are moving into a new home… people pounce on the opportunity to buy them house warming gifts (https://www.mypoojabox.in/collections/house-warming). This again, is done in the hope of good karma.

That being said, perhaps the most common gifts given in India are those for house warming ceremonies for newly weds & new home buyers alike. It’s no coincidence home décor gifts in India are so easily available. Brands literally have sections on their web pages for house warmings gifts. That shows the extent of the gifting culture here in India.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

World Environment Day Importance – 5 Effective Ways To Save The Environment

World Environment Day is more important today that it has ever been before. The sad bit is, its importance is only going to be rising as time goes on. All thanks to technology, development and industrialization taking place across the globe.  Small countries that have a lot of green cover unfortunately fall into the underdeveloped category. This in turn means, once development begins, the green cover seen starts to slowly disappear.

World Environment Day

The biggest problem is, the worlds environment was being kept in balance by non-developed countries that have a much cleaner and pure environment as opposed to developed countries. However, with globalisation in full swing, the environment of developing countries, is only deteriorating.

Bearing all of this in mind, we need to make a conscious effort to treat every day like it’s World Environment Day. With that said, let’s look at 10 simple ways to save the environment.

10 Ways To Save The Environment:

1. Start Small: Plant A Tree
All major turn arounds start with one simple step. In this case, planting a tree can make a world of difference in the future… A lot of people may argue, “Well, we won’t be there 30 years from now, who cares!?”. To those I’d say, you might not be… but your family will. Do you want to leave them behind in a burning waste land? …. I didn’t think so.

Trees are crucial to the eco system… every 5th grader knows that. So how come big builders, road planners etc forget? Luckily, with time, the world is slowly but surely realising the importance of the environment. However, this is not happening fast enough. Which is why we need all builders to plant as trees as they cut for their projects. This way, at least a balance can be maintained.

Just think about it, if every individual were to plant 1 tree, we’d have 7.53 Billion trees. So, while it would be nice for companies to take this on, it may not be a practice all would like to follow. So do what you can, and plant a tree this World Environment Day.

You can even get eco-friendly Ganesh idols that have been made using clay which contains seeds within. This means, once your pooja is over, you can effectively plant the Ganesha idol within your property or around it. Not only would you be planting another tree, you’d be planting one with the powers of Lord Ganesha within.

2. Stop Throwing Waste On Our Roads
Indians are notorious for having the bad habit of throwing waste anywhere they find convenient. This has single handily helped choke our earths soil and as a result, plants have been finding it that much harder to sustain themselves.

Countries such as Singapore have imposed huge fines on littering and this, along with a certain degree of environmental education has ensured the country is one of the cleanest in the world. Yes, it’s quite small and is probably no bigger than the capital of Delhi, but there is a lesson to be learned there.

If we restrict ourselves to throwing waste in the appropriate bins, not only will our streets be cleaner, our plants will grow greener and our farmers will suffer far less than they do now. Like with most points in this article, the effort has to be made by both the state and it’s people.


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Friday, May 3, 2019

What To Do On Akshaya Tritiya? Akshaya Tritiya Benefits

Akshaya Tritiya is one of the most auspicious days in Indian culture and is celebrated on the 3rd day of the moon’s growing phase in the month of Vaisakha. According to the Gregorian Calendar, Akshaya Tritaya will be held on the 7th of May in 2019.

In a gist, this auspicious day is dedicated to thanking the gods for the prosperity and good fortune you’ve received in the last year and is a day where you can pray for more of the same.

India has multiple festivals that run throughout the year. Each one of these festivals is devoted to a particular god, except one…. That is, Akshaya Tritiya. On this auspicious day, all gods can be prayed to in the hope of receiving their blessings. Akshaya Tritiya helps unify the Hindu population within the country as this festival isn’t about one god, it’s about all the gods and what they’ve done for us in life.

So now that the introduction is out of the way, let’s take a look at what to do on Akshaya Tritiya.

• Buying Gold On Akshaya Tritiya
Seen as a form of Mahalaxmi, gold is considered to be a stable depiction of wealth as it can’t be spent as easily as cash. Bringing home gold on Akshaya Tritiya is considered to be extremely auspicious as gold brought home on Akshaya Tritiya is said to turn into a form of eternal wealth. Gold bought on this day is also said to attract other forms of revenue into your life. Thus, setting up your family for a life of financial stability.

If you're looking for pure gold but don't have the extra money to spend, you can visit our 24KT Pure Gold Foil Collection. Not only will you find stuff like gold foil coins for less than Rs 1000, you'll also be able to purchase various religious idols wrapped in pure 24KT gold.

• Buying A Car On Akshaya Tritiya
Back in ancient times, people would buy horses, cows and bullock carts on Askhaya Tritiya to use as a mode of transport. Buying a mode of transport on this day is said to ensure the longevity of the means of transport you’ve purchased. So, if you’re looking to buy a car, bike or scooter, wait for Akshaya Tritiya to do so. You might even find brands offering reasonable discounts for the same as they know people are more inclined to make such purchases on Akshaya Tritiya.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Evil Eye Protection – Evil Eye Symptoms, Products & More

First things first, let’s clear things up. When people think of an evil eye, they think of the Feng Shui product that is famous worldwide. However, that is not actually the case, as the evil eye is quite literally described as a dirty look you receive from someone. The Feng Shui evil eye was designed to offer protection from it… but more on that later. Regardless, a lot of people believe these dirty looks are reason enough to find evil eye protection.

 evil eye bracelets

But before we get into evil eye protection, it’s important to note that the evil eye is not only believed to affect humans or livings things, but also inanimate objects like cars and houses.

This might seem a bit silly but a lot of religions across the world acknowledge the symptoms of receiving an evil eye. This includes, Christianity, Islam and has been mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman texts.

Eyes have always been considered as the gateways to someone’s soul in spirituality and religion. This belief has led people to believe that if evil energy is channeled with enough devotion, it can be transferred to another’s soul through his/ her eyes.

Now ofcourse the evil eye stems from superstition but this superstition is there for a reason. The theory is, that if some individual is jealous of you, your looks, your wealth or anything else you possess, the dirty looks coupled with a desire to cause you misfortune, can cause negative energies to bring misfortune to you. This can result in what is known as evil eye symptoms.

You may have heard Indian mothers say, “Nazar mat lagana”. This statement stems from the fear of the evil eye. Praising someone close to you in front of jealous people can lead to the curse of the evil eye.

So, what are the evil eye symptoms? Let’s take a closer look.
Evil eye symptoms are vast and might seem unrelated at first but if you’ve been paying attention to the looks you get; you might have noticed a few things.

The symptoms include and are not limited to, sudden fatigue followed by constant yawning, a depressed feeling that came out of nowhere, an inability to sleep properly, stomach problems and in some cases, disease. Now this might all seem random at first, but if your health had been fine till the day someone a bit envious gave you a dirty look, you might be experiencing the symptoms of receiving an evil eye.

So how do I get Evil Eye Protection?

Most evil eye protection methods will differ from region to region and religion to religion. However, some evil eye protection practices are standard across the world and we’ll be discussing those here.

1.  Carrying An Amulet Around 
This is probably the most popular form of evil eye protection and has been used for centuries on end. These amulets refer to pendants, ornaments or pieces of jewellery that offer individuals good luck and fortune. The positive energy attracted by these amulets help ward of the negative affects of an evil eye, thus offering you the protection you need. Nowadays, one can even purchase Feng Shui inspired evil eye bracelets and rose quartz bracelets that can be worn 24X7 for protection.

Friday, March 29, 2019

What are the benefits of 1 Mukhi Rudraksha?

1 mukhi rudraksha benefits

This rudraksha seed is amongst some of the rarest rudraksha seeds you can buy. It is considered to be extremely powerful due to its strong association with Lord Shiva. It is commonly referred to as the mother of all Rudraksha seeds. It is said to symbolize formlessness, deathlessness, godhood, the truth & the attainment of eternity. 

This seed is said to be ruled by the power of the sun & this is were the 1 mukhi rudraksha benefits come from. It is said to help enlighten your super consciousness & free your mind. This of course only happens after years of devotion & discipline. Simply wearing this seed will not bring you anything of the kind. 

That being said, wearing this seed with devotion & commitment can bring you wealth, power, fame, confidence but most importantly, spiritual enrichment. So, if you’re willing to commit, bringing home a 1 Mukhi Rudraksha seed can change your life.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

What Are The 7 Chakras? The 7 Chakras Names, Symbols & Their Use In Meditation

The 7 chakras of your body originate from studies conducted in the Indian subcontinent between 1500 & 500 BC. These studies can be found in some of the oldest ancient Vedic texts known as the Vedas. The word Chakra refers to the wheel of spinning energy that is present in all our bodies. The texts state that our bodies are made up of 7 chakras of whirling energy that represent each region of our physical and spiritual being.

These chakras are said to be governed by the laws of spirituality as well as the principals of consciousness and can be used to create harmony, happiness & overall prosperity in our lives. They are said to react to the cosmic energy present all around us. This cosmic energy is channeled through our bodies via these chakras similar to how electrical wiring holds and transfers energy to power a house. It is important to maintain the functioning of these chakras as they can be blocked as a result of excessive stress, emotional troubles or physical problems. This blockage can lead to further physical illness, mental & emotional instability. 

So, let’s get into the 7 Chakra names, their symbols & abilities –

1. The Root Chakra: -

The root chakra is the first of the 7 chakras in your body and is located at the base of your spine. Using the earths energy, it’s the very base of your 7 chakra system and helps lay the foundations for the positive or negative expansion of your life. It helps define behavioral characteristics of one’s self, such as a sense of safety, security, survival and physicality. Therefore, defining the foundation upon which we build our lives.

An imbalance in the Root Chakra can cause the following problems – 
• Negativity
• Eating Disorders
• Illusions
• Increased Insecurity
• Greed 

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Monday, February 4, 2019

The Yin & Yang Theory – Feng Shui

feng shui products

You’ve probably heard all about the positive influence Feng Shui interiors and products can have on your life. But how much do you know about the Yin & Yang theory in Feng Shui? I’m assuming not too much...

After my own research, I found some articles to be a bit too confusing for a quick read. Which is why I thought I’d try and simplify it for those looking to learn a thing or two about Yin & Yang.

But first, what is the Yin & Yang theory? Well, the theory states, that everything in our known universe consists of two major forces that oppose each other but remain deeply connected. It’s the interaction of these opposing forces on a constant basis that creates the atmosphere around us. You may have noticed how some places seem more welcoming than others. This feeling is a byproduct of Yin & Yang elements. The existence of Yin is to counteract the forces of Yang & vice versa. One force cannot exist or function without the other.

So, What is Yin? And What is Yang?

Yin refers to the feminine force that brings a sense of calm & relaxation to your mind and the surroundings around you. Yin is depicted as the black part of the Tai Chi symbol.
Examples – The silence of night, the calming sound of flowing water etc.

Yan refers to the masculine force that brings a sense of strength, motivation & fearlessness. This force is depicted by the white part of the Tai Chi symbol.
Examples – The bright lights & powerful energies of the sun, mountains etc.

These Yin & Yang elements can not only be found in Feng Shui products but also in our general surroundings.