Thursday, December 24, 2020

Guide on where to place which Buddha Statue in your home


buddha idols

The Buddha has many forms and they all signify different actions and are powerful for different reasons. The Buddha idol gives the best result when placed at a particular space in acquiring the positive energies that is intended. Some of them are as follows:

Protection Buddha:
This pose has Lord Buddha with one hand in the blessing gesture. It has two meanings that are not related to each other. First, it is a symbol to keep danger and negativity away. Second, it helps one to be at peace with themselves and overcome fear. It works best when places facing the main entrance of a household.

Nirvana Buddha:
This idol shows Buddha in a reclining pose and stands for the last moments of his mortal life, moments before he achieved freedom from the cycle of life and rebirth and achieved Nirvana. It urges positivity with reminding one and all to seek for internal harmony. This idol must always face West to speak for his imminent death and must recline towards the right side.

Meditating Buddha:
With his legs folded and his hands resting on his lap, he has his face up. This idol of Lord Buddha meditating has his eyes fully or partially closed and is very helpful in one’s quest to attain inner peace. It’s best to place this idol in some place peaceful or where you meditate or relax. It’s a plus if you can light candles or burn incense to create serenity.

Bhumisparsha Buddha
This Buddha posies the most famous and popular one and symbolizes his moment of enlightenment. It’s best to place this idol anywhere facing East. East is the direction where the sun rises from, symbolizing eternal knowledge.