Monday, June 10, 2019

What Is The Evil Eye?

evil eye bracelets

Most people don’t quite understand what this whole evil eye thing is about. Everyone associates the word evil eye with the blue and white evil eyes you see being sold in local markets. While those items are referred to as evil eye bracelets and pendants, they aren’t the origin of the term.

Evil eye quite literally refers to a dirty look you might receive from someone who’s a bit envious of what you have. We’ve all been given the evil eye at some point in our lives. Some may have noticed negativity plaguing them post encounters like this, others on the other hand, may have never given it a second thought.

Regardless, it’s said that these dirty looks have the ability to channel negative energy to you in an attempt to disrupt your daily routines and general happiness. Which is kind of why they say wearing evil eye bracelets and pendants can help prevent any such negativity plaguing you. Whether you choose to believe them is up to you.