Monday, February 4, 2019

The Yin & Yang Theory – Feng Shui

feng shui products

You’ve probably heard all about the positive influence Feng Shui interiors and products can have on your life. But how much do you know about the Yin & Yang theory in Feng Shui? I’m assuming not too much...

After my own research, I found some articles to be a bit too confusing for a quick read. Which is why I thought I’d try and simplify it for those looking to learn a thing or two about Yin & Yang.

But first, what is the Yin & Yang theory? Well, the theory states, that everything in our known universe consists of two major forces that oppose each other but remain deeply connected. It’s the interaction of these opposing forces on a constant basis that creates the atmosphere around us. You may have noticed how some places seem more welcoming than others. This feeling is a byproduct of Yin & Yang elements. The existence of Yin is to counteract the forces of Yang & vice versa. One force cannot exist or function without the other.

So, What is Yin? And What is Yang?

Yin refers to the feminine force that brings a sense of calm & relaxation to your mind and the surroundings around you. Yin is depicted as the black part of the Tai Chi symbol.
Examples – The silence of night, the calming sound of flowing water etc.

Yan refers to the masculine force that brings a sense of strength, motivation & fearlessness. This force is depicted by the white part of the Tai Chi symbol.
Examples – The bright lights & powerful energies of the sun, mountains etc.

These Yin & Yang elements can not only be found in Feng Shui products but also in our general surroundings.